Data structures and Algorithms by Java Examples
Linked List
Doubly Linked List Implementation using JAVA Example
Doubly Linked List Implementation using JAVA Example 2701 views. Hints DLLNode - class for linked list node. DoublyLinkedListDAO - has list of abstract methods. DoublyLinkedListImpl - has implementation for linked list data structure. DoublyLinkedListExample - using linked list. (inserting, deleting and more) DLLNode.java /** * Node class is storage for Linked list node. * which has data, prev and next node. */ class DLLNode { //To hold previous node private DLLNode prev; //To hold data private int data; //To hold next node object private DLLNode next; //Constructor to create Node with data. public DLLNode(int data) { this.data = data; } //Setters and Getters for data and next members. public int getData() { return data; } public void setData(int data) { this.data = data; } public DLLNode getNext() { return next; } public void setNext(DLLNode next) { this.next = next; } public DLLNode getPrev() { return prev; } public void setPrev(DLLNode prev) { this.prev = prev; } } DoublyLinkedListDAO.java /** * List of abstract methods for LinkedList Implementation */ interface DoublyLinkedListDAO { //insert data at begin public void insertAtBegin(int data); //insert data at end public void insertAtEnd(int data); //insert data at specific position public void insert(int data, int position); //remove node at first public DLLNode removeAtBegin(); //remove node at end public DLLNode removeAtEnd(); //remove node at specific position public void remove(int position); //get position of the passing data. public int getPosition(int data); //to get length of the linked list. public int getLength(); //clear linked list public void clearList(); //to read linkedlist as string. public String toString(); } DoublyLinkedListImpl.java /** * LinkedListImpl is implementation of the LinkedList Data structure. * insertion: insertAtFirst, insertAtEnd, insertAtPostion * deletion: deleteAtFirst, deleteAtEnd, deleteAtPosition * length * clearList * get position * toString */ class DoublyLinkedListImpl implements DoublyLinkedListDAO { private int length; private DLLNode head; public DoublyLinkedListImpl(){ //initialize length as zero when creating linkedlist. this.length = 0; head = null; } //insert data at begin public void insertAtBegin(int data) { //Creating node with new data DLLNode newNode = new DLLNode(data); //Setting next node as current head node newNode.setNext(head); //Setting current node as previous node for head if (head != null) head.setPrev(newNode); //head node pointing new node. head = newNode; //increasing length by 1. length++; } //insert data at end public void insertAtEnd(int data) { DLLNode newNode = new DLLNode(data); if (head == null) { //no data in linked list head = newNode; } else { //if list has nodes. DLLNode current = head; //Looping till reaching end node. while(current != null) { //If current node is end node. if (current.getNext() == null) { //Setting last node next node is new node. current.setNext(newNode); //Setting newNode previous node newNode.setPrev(current); length++; break; } current = current.getNext(); } } } //insert data at specific position public void insert(int data, int position) { DLLNode newNode = new DLLNode(data); //fixing position if (position < 1) { position = 1; } if (position > length) { position = length; } if (head == null) { //if list is empty } else if (position == 1) { //if insert at first position newNode.setNext(head); head.setPrev(newNode); head = newNode; length++; } else { //in different position int currentPosition = 1; DLLNode current = head; while(current != null) { if (currentPosition == position) { //Pointing new node previous and next newNode.setNext(current); newNode.setPrev(current.getPrev()); //Setting current node prev to next node. current.setPrev(newNode); newNode.getPrev().setNext(newNode); length++; break; } current = current.getNext(); currentPosition++; } } } //remove node at first public DLLNode removeAtBegin() { //Creating temp variable to hold head node. DLLNode temp = head; if (temp != null) { //taking next node from head node and point to current head. head = temp.getNext(); head.setPrev(null); temp.setNext(null); length--; } //returning delinked node from linked list return temp; } //remove node at end public DLLNode removeAtEnd() { if (head == null) { //if empty list return null; } else if (head.getNext() == null) { //if has one head node. head = null; return head; } else { //if has more than one node DLLNode current = head; while(current != null) { //reached last node if (current.getNext() == null) { current.getPrev().setNext(null); length--; break; } current = current.getNext(); } //sending last node as output return current; } } //remove node at specific position public void remove(int position) { //fix position if (position < 1) { position = 1; } if (position > length) { position = length; } if (head == null) { return; } else if (position == 1) { //if at 1. head = head.getNext(); length--; return; } else { //greater than position one. int currentPosition = 1; DLLNode current = head; while (current != null) { if (currentPosition == position) { current.getPrev().setNext(current.getNext()); length--; break; } current = current.getNext(); currentPosition++; } } } //get position of the passing data. public int getPosition(int data) { int position = 1; DLLNode current = head; while(current != null) { if (current.getData() == data) { return position; } position++; current = current.getNext(); } return -1; } //to get length of the linked list. public int getLength() { return this.length; } //clear linked list public void clearList() { head = null; length = 0; } //to read linkedlist as string. public String toString() { DLLNode current = head; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while(current != null) { sb.append(current.getData()); if (current.getNext() != null) { sb.append(","); } current = current.getNext(); } return sb.toString(); } } DoublyLinkedListExample.java /** * * Example of using LinkedList Implementation * */ public class DoublyLinkedListExample { /** * printList - prints the linked list and length of the linked list. */ public static void printList(DoublyLinkedListDAO list) { System.out.println("LinkedList: "+list); System.out.println("Length: "+list.getLength()); System.out.println(); } public static void main(String[] args) { DoublyLinkedListDAO list = new DoublyLinkedListImpl(); /* * insert data at first */ list.insertAtBegin(10); list.insertAtBegin(20); list.insertAtBegin(30); printList(list); /* * insert data at end */ list.insertAtEnd(40); list.insertAtEnd(50); list.insertAtEnd(60); printList(list); /* * insert at specific pos */ list.insert(12, 2); printList(list); /* * remove from begin */ list.removeAtBegin(); printList(list); /* * remove at end */ list.removeAtEnd(); printList(list); /* * remove at position */ list.remove(1); printList(list); /* * Get current position of the data. */ System.out.println("POSITION list[10]: "+list.getPosition(10)); System.out.println("POSITION list[112]: "+list.getPosition(112)); } } Output LinkedList: 30,20,10
Length: 3 LinkedList: 30,20,10,40,50,60 Length: 6 LinkedList: 30,12,20,10,40,50,60 Length: 7 LinkedList: 12,20,10,40,50,60 Length: 6 LinkedList: 12,20,10,40,50 Length: 5 LinkedList: 20,10,40,50 Length: 4 POSITION list[10]: 2 POSITION list[112]: -1 Related Examples
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